Friday, March 23, 2018

ADHD and this new ERA diseases!

So 2 days ago I watch a documentary called "Take your pills"... It's about pills for ADHD... funny because my older son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 6 years old... I didn't know much about the "disease" and for 3 months I gave him the medicine for it... well, since I curious by nature I start research and study all about this new issue on the society... but let's talk about the documentary..
 So basically they show mothers that want to have a easy life with kids and school and grades, so they force their kids to take the pill, Kids that HATE the side effects on it (yes, is not good at all), and doctors that some agree with it, others not so much... well Aderell (the famous ADHD med) contains substances like Meth... Meth is a high Drug... my question is: If you treat a Drug Addicted like trash, why do you Drug your child? Is it different because the Drug your child takes was recommend by a doctor that get millions of dollars to write a "prescription"? Unfortunately this world is sick... Sadly true!

Monday, March 19, 2018

First Post... but I'm sad

Good afternoon. I decided to start this blog so I can talk a little bit about my thought, my ideas... lately I been feeling like an alien 😂😂... yes, sounds stupid but lately is so hard to find people with a similar mind as mine.. well will explain on some other posts... 
 Today I want talk about this day... March 19th... in Portugal is father's day... well I grow up without my dad... I met him when I was 19 years old. It was a weird situation but part of me was happy to meet him, the other me was scared... so the past years he really tried as much as he could to be part of my life and somehow we end up having a ok relationship... but last year he passed away... so this year  even if I celebrate father's day he is not here anymore... 
 On the other hand would be also the birthday of one of the most important persons in my life... the lady that raised me... make me who I am today... She would be 79 if she was alive... but she passed away almost 2 years ago... I miss her so much... I miss calling her, hearing her laugh.. So today I'm sad... May God have them both... in the mean time we will survive here missing them.