Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Don't take people for granted

Today I've been thinking so much about taking for granted.. not just in love relationship, but in friendships, work, daily bases too... I always been accused of being a receiver not a giver... but honestly I think the issue is I ask to receive... because I give all of me... so I believe I also should get some... If I volunteer and love to help others, I will ask for respect and kindness... once I feel that people start taking advantage of me and that will make me back off... or when they don't need you anymore and start keeping you away from the conversations and you feel like a complete stranger... well, that kills and make me so disappointed on the human race... 

 Also in relationships... remember the saying... in the beginning everything is beautiful... well, Why can't be beautiful always... a simple gesture of care, appreciation makes it a big deal... the simple I love you makes a day for sure... or thank you for always be on my side... simple things like that... but no... people want and want and want... and when you ask they complain that you not a giver... 

 Well, maybe is true... I'm not a saint or Jesus... I give and want get.... this world is not just about giving... you need to give water for the tree to grow... and what does she give you? The oxygen, the shade.. 

 If someone just give and don't get nothing in return will end up tired and will give up... 

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