Monday, March 19, 2018

First Post... but I'm sad

Good afternoon. I decided to start this blog so I can talk a little bit about my thought, my ideas... lately I been feeling like an alien 😂😂... yes, sounds stupid but lately is so hard to find people with a similar mind as mine.. well will explain on some other posts... 
 Today I want talk about this day... March 19th... in Portugal is father's day... well I grow up without my dad... I met him when I was 19 years old. It was a weird situation but part of me was happy to meet him, the other me was scared... so the past years he really tried as much as he could to be part of my life and somehow we end up having a ok relationship... but last year he passed away... so this year  even if I celebrate father's day he is not here anymore... 
 On the other hand would be also the birthday of one of the most important persons in my life... the lady that raised me... make me who I am today... She would be 79 if she was alive... but she passed away almost 2 years ago... I miss her so much... I miss calling her, hearing her laugh.. So today I'm sad... May God have them both... in the mean time we will survive here missing them. 


  1. It's a sad day for those who don't have a dad anymore. That's why we should enjoy their company as much as we can while they're still alive.
    Nowadays we should teach the kids to enjoy those moments because they last forever in our memories.

  2. Li e digo-te que sinto-me como tu
    ok eu tenho 62
    e tu és uma Jovem
    Precisas ter Forças para ir em frente sem tristezas
    A vida para ti ainda é longa
    Para mim será muito mais curta

    Gostaria de te sentir mais Feliz
    os teus filhos precisam da tua Alegria

    Pois é...
    tal e qual como tu explicas
    acontece o mesmo comigo:
    but lately is so hard to find people with a similar mind as mine..
    cada dia que passa vou descobrindo que as pessoas são cada vez mais egoístas e más umas para as outras

    É triste!
